Do you want to make impressive commercial appointments? Then try the immersive reality of Oversense for Marketing. Not only will you be able to show all the products you want in full size and without any effort... but you will be able to describe all the details with the help of a precious multilingual virtual collaborator who will do the job for you! In fact, you will be able to make your customers perfectly independent in viewing the product and receive all the most important and indispensable information from a personalized Avatar who will always be at your service.

Immersive marketing refers to communication methods that offer users an engaging and interactive experience that makes it possible to understand all the potential of a product without actually having it in front of us. This type of marketing is now able to provide an important element of competitive diversification in corporate communication, with the final result of being more attractive to potential new customers and retaining old ones. It allows you to position the customer at the center so that he can choose the interactions that express his preferences that can be analyzed by the solution's Analytics module
Beyond the personalized content that characterizes it and that makes each project unique, the Oversense platform for Marketing aims to be a simple, reliable tool that does not instill fear in the user, especially if they are not accustomed to these new technologies. Indeed, a primary objective is to accompany the virtual reality novice in a positive and memorable experience. The distinctive characteristics that make Oversense Interior Design Marketing a proposal favorably shared by customers are:
a) simplicity of use thanks to gesture recognition and therefore interactions with just the movement of the hands.
b) the presence of an avatar as a demonstrative guide to the interactions that can be activated by the user, which allows you to exploit all the potential of a multilingual human interface. the presence of an avatar as a demonstrative guide to the interactions that can be activated by the user, which allows you to exploit all the potential of a multilingual human interface.
c) High quality “real time” rendering during the experience.
d) The simple User Interface for selecting multiple interactions.
e) an Analytics Module for verifying interactions carried out by the user
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